When posting something on Facebook or commenting on someone’s post, you can add the @ followed by someone’s Facebook name to mention them in your post or comment. Facebook allows people to mention each other via tagging, and when someone tags you, Facebook will send you a notification and can display the post you are tagged in on your timeline. The question is, who is allowed to tag you on Facebook?
There is no direct way of blocking people from tagging you, but you can restrict who sees the posts you are tagged in. Therefore, anybody on Facebook can tag you provided they know your Facebook username or name. However, you have the authority over which posts tag you, and you can review posts that tag you before they appear on Facebook.
We will cover what tagging means on Facebook and how to tag someone. Next, we will see who can tag you on Facebook and offer the steps for controlling what happens when someone tags you. Lastly, we will cover the steps for knowing who tagged you on Facebook.
What Does Tagging Means on Facebook?
Tagging is a Facebook feature that allows users to mention each other in posts and comments. When someone tags you, the posts may appear in your timeline and be visible to the selected audience and people viewing your Facebook timeline.
When someone tags you, they create a direct link to your Facebook profile, such that someone can click on it to view your Facebook profile. To tag someone, you only need to add the @ followed by their Facebook username. When their profile appears, click on it, and you will notice a link to their profile will get created.
Facebook will notify you when someone tags you. Depending on your privacy policy, you can review the posts that tag you before they appear on Facebook.
Who Can Tag Me on Facebook
As noted earlier, tagging is a feature provided by Facebook. Therefore, anyone can tag you in their posts or other people’s posts. You can’t block who tags you on Facebook, and whenever someone tags you, Facebook will send you a notification for the same.
Someone can easily tag you in their posts by mentioning you, starting with @. Also, someone can tag you in other people’s posts by mentioning you in the comment section. That way, people reading the comments will see that you are tagged and can click on the generated profile link to view your Facebook profile.
How To Control How People Tag You on Facebook
Yes, anyone on Facebook can tag you; there is no feature to prevent that. However, you can control what happens after someone tags you on Facebook. You can control the privacy settings for posts that tag you by choosing who can see posts that tag you. Follow the below steps.
For Computer
- Login to your Facebook account.
- Tap on your profile at the corner.
- Click Settings & Privacy and choose Settings.
- Tap the Profile and tagging option.
- Under Tagging, set the two options for who can see posts that tag you to “Only Me.”
- Under Reviewing, enable the option to review posts that tag you.
For Mobile App
- Open Facebook and tap on the three-line icon to open a menu.
- Go to Settings & privacy and click on Settings.
- Scroll down and click the Profile and Tagging option.
- Click on the two options under Tagging and set them to “Only Me” to ensure people can’t see the posts that tag you.
- Click on Reviewing, tap the option for reviewing posts you are tagged in, and enable it.
How To Know Who Tagged You on Facebook
The activity log section of your Facebook account can display people who tag you on Facebook and the posts that they tag you in. Let’s see the steps for knowing who has tagged you on Facebook.
For Computer
- Open Facebook on a browser.
- Tap on your profile icon at the top.
- Click on Settings & privacy.
- Tap the option for Activity Log.
- Click the “Activity You’re Tagged In” option.
- You can select the posts, comments, or photos you tagged in.
Clicking on either will display a list of the posts, photos, or comments where you’ve been tagged and the name of the Facebook user that tagged you.
For Mobile App
- Open Facebook and tap on your profile.
- Tap the three dots on your profile page.
- Click on Activity log and tap on the “Activity you’re tagged in.”
- Select the Photos or Posts where you want to check.
- You will see posts or photos you are tagged in and the person who tagged you.
Tagging a person on Facebook is easy, and anyone on Facebook can tag you by mentioning your Facebook username. We’ve seen how you can control what happens when someone tags you and how to see who tags you on Facebook.