
How To Enlarge Discord Server Picture

How To Enlarge Discord Server Picture

Discord is a reliable instant messaging platform. People communicate directly via DMs and servers.

When creating a Discord server, you can add the profile picture for the server. Unlike other platforms like WhatsApp, Discord doesn’t have a direct way for you to view the enlarged version of the Discord server picture. The much you can see is an icon when viewing the list of servers.

Quick Answer

You must access your Discord account from a browser to view an enlarged version of a Discord server profile picture.

Once you log in, click on the target Discord server. Next, enable the developer mode on your browser. For Chrome, use the CTRL + SHIFT + I keyboard combination. Open the “Sources tab” and click on the section for cdn.discordapp.com. Lastly, locate the icon for your server, right-click on it and open it in a new tab.

Viewing an enlarged Discord server picture is not an obvious task. We will see the steps you should follow to view it on your browser. Still, we will answer some frequently asked questions.

Can You View the Enlarged Discord Server Picture?

Discord displays all the servers on the left sidebar of your Discord home page. You can click on the server’s profile picture to open its channels when you log in. However, the only profile picture you can see is the small icon on the server’s name.

There is no option to zoom the picture or enlarge it. Besides, Discord only allows users to upload profile pictures that are 128 by 128 pixels.

Thus, you don’t expect to find an enlarged profile picture on Zoom. However, there is a trick that lets you view an enlarged Discord server picture, but you must utilize the browser to use this trick.

How To Enlarge Discord Server Picture

Although it’s nearly impossible to enlarge a Discord server profile picture on the Discord platform, we can utilize the browser to access the developer mode.

That way, we can access the sources for the given tab, including the icons used. Doing so allows us to access the link to the server’s profile picture, open it in a new tab, and view the enlarged Discord server profile picture.

Here’s how to view an enlarged Discord server picture:

  1. Open your browser and visit the Discord.com site. We are using the Chrome browser for this case.
  2. Click the login button and use your credentials to access your account.
  3. Once you’ve logged into your account, enable the developer mode on your browser.
    For Chrome, use the CTRL + SHIFT + I keyboard combination.
  4. Click on the target server to open it.
  5. Once the developer window opens, click on the “Sources” tab.
  6. On the left, click the option for cdn.discord.com.
  7. Next, tap on the “icons” folder.
  8. Different icons for that server will be listed.
  9. Right-click on each icon and select the option to “Open in a new tab”.
  10. Once the new tab opens, you will see the enlarged Discord server picture.
  11. Suppose the icon opened is not the server profile picture. Open other icons until you get the profile picture.

Hopefully, you managed to view the enlarged version of your Discord server profile picture.


Viewing the enlarged Discord server picture is a challenging task that most people fail to accomplish.

However, we’ve covered all the steps you should follow to simplify the process, ensuring you can easily view the profile picture for any server you own or are a member of.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I view a server’s profile picture?

There is no direct way of viewing the profile picture of a Discord server. However, when the servers are listed on the left, you can view the small version of the profile picture. Discord doesn’t have a feature to let users view the complete profile picture of a given server.

How to enlarge Discord server picture?

Your best option is to view the profile picture via a browser. So, open your browser and access your Discord account. Next, enable the developer mode and tap on the “Sources” tab. Find the cdn.discordapp.com section and click on the “icons” folder. Right-click on the target icon and open it in a new tab. That’s how you view an enlarged Discord server profile picture.

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