Computers & ProgrammingASPBackend Development

Working with Operators in ASP

VBScript is very flexible when it comes to storing data in variables. You can add variables that contain numbers together, or even concatenate strings. In ASP, we can group operators into four major categories: Arithmetic, Comparisons, Logic, and Concatenation.


The arithmetic operators used in ASP coding are very similar to other programming languages.

+Additionx = 5 + 16
-Subtractionx = 5 - 14
*Multiplicationx = 5 * 15
/Divisionx = 6 / 3.51.17428571428571
^Exponentialx = 3 ^ 327
ModModulusx = 10 Mod 31
-Negatex = -5-5
\Integer Divisionx = 6 \ 3.51


Comparison operators are often used within If..Then blocks of code (conditional statements). They are helpful when you need to compare two variables and make a decision based on the outcome. The result of a comparison operator is either TRUE or FALSE.

=Equal To5 = 1FALSE
<Less Than5 < 1FALSE
>Greater Than5 > 1TRUE
<=Less Than Or Equal To5 <= 1FALSE
>=Greater Than Or Equal To5 >= 1TRUE
<>Not Equal To5 <> 1TRUE


A logical operator is used in conditional statements that require more than one set of

AndAll Must be TRUETrue and FalseFALSE
OrOne Must be TRUETrue or FalseTRUE
NotReverse of TRUENot TrueFALSE


When working with strings, the & operator is used to merge strings together to form a new string.

&String ConcatenationmyString = "John" & "Smith"John Smith


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Page</title>


Dim x,y
x = 5 + 1
y = 1
Response.Write (x & "<br />")

If x > 1 Then
    Response.Write("x is greater than 1!<br />")
    Response.Write("x is not greater than 1!<br />")
End If

If (x > 1) And (y > 1) Then
    Response.Write("Both x and y are greater than 1!<br />")
    Response.Write("Either x or y is not greater than 1!<br />")
End If

Dim firstName
Dim lastName
Dim fullName
firstName = "John"
lastName = "Smith"
fullName = firstName & " " & lastName



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