
How To Add Poketwo to Discord

How To Add Poketwo To Discord

When you want to experience the Pokemon feeling on Discord, adding the Poketwo bot is your best option.

Discord supports multiple bots and integrations, and provided you know how to add them to your Discord account, you can quickly get started using any of them and get comfortable with them.

For this tutorial, we will guide you on how to add the Poketwo bot to your Discord.

Quick Answer

To add any bot on Discord, including the Poketwo, visit the bot’s website or the top.gg website and search for the target bot. Once you find it, click the “Invite” button, which will require you to log in to your Discord account. Once logged in, select the server where you want to add the Poketwo bot and authorize the bot access to your account. Once you mark the captcha, the bot will be added to your server, and you can start using it.

We will begin by understanding what the Poketwo bot is and examples of its features. Next, we will give a step-by-step guide on how to add Poketwo on Discord and access it from your server. Let’s get started!

What is Poketwo?

Poketwo is one of the many Discord servers publicly available for users to add to their Discord accounts.

The Poketwo bot aims to give Discord users the Pokemon experience where they can catch random pokemon on their server, battle with friends, and trade them.

The Poketwo has three main features.

Catch Pokemon

Adding the bot lets you catch and collect random pokemon which appear when you talk on the server.

Whenever a pokemon appears when any member is talking, you compete with other members to see who catches the pokemon first.

So, the more pokemon you catch, the larger your collection will be.

Trade Pokemon

Suppose you want a rare pokemon that your friend has or want to sell some of your pokemon collection.

You can conveniently trade with your friends. Besides, you can trade the pokemon in other marketplaces.

Battle Friends

When you have powerful pokemon, you can engage in battles with your friends to see who has better skills and strategies.

Those are the main features and benefits you get by adding the Poketwo bot to your Discord server.

How To Add Poketwo to Discord

We’ve seen what the Poketwo Discord bot is and the features that come with adding it to your server.

The next thing is to cover the steps for adding the bot to Discord.

  1. Visit the bot’s website or the top.gg website and search for Poketwo.
  2. Once you find the bot, click on it and tap the “Invite” button.
  3. You will be prompted to log in to your account. So, add your credentials for the Discord account containing the server where we want to add the bot.
  4. Once logged in, select the server where to add the bot and press the “Continue” button.
  5. Next, review the permissions displayed on the screen and click the “Authorize” button.
  6. Complete the process by marking the captcha, and you will get the “Authorized” message confirming that Poketwo has been added to your server.

At this point, you are now ready to start using the bot.

So, open your Discord application on your desktop and navigate to the server where you added the bot.

You can start the game using the p!start command.

For more commands and their description, type the p!help to view them.

You will love how easy using the Poketwo bot is. 


Poketwo is a Discord bot that brings the Pokemon experience to Discord users.

To add the bot to your Discord, visit the bot’s website and click on the “Invite” button. Log in to your account and authorize the bot with the required permissions.

Once the bot gets added to your server, you can use its various commands to enjoy the Pokemon experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Poketwo bot?

It is a Discord bot that lets users enjoy the Pokemon experience of catching pokemon, battling with friends, trading their pokemon, and growing their pokemon collection.

How can I add Poketwo on Discord?

Visit the Poketwo website and invite the bot to your server. You will be prompted to log in to your account and grant the bot various permissions. Once you complete the steps, you will have the bot on your server.

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