Social media and instant messaging apps are a gold mine for finding a romantic partner to do life with.
However, getting someone to take an interest in you and take the interaction to the next level is challenging, especially with the rise in romance scammers and catfishing.
Yet, WhatsApp remains one of the top platforms for finding a romantic partner.
But how do you find a woman on WhatsApp?
To find a woman on WhatsApp, acquire her number first. Once you have the number, impress her. Start a conversation based on shared interests and keep it interesting. Keep the discourse clean, respectful, and courteous, but know when to become playful and flirtatious. Compliment her and make her laugh. Once you’ve established a rapport and she is forthcoming, let the conversation naturally flow as you try to create a deeper discourse.
Learn how to find a woman on WhatsApp using the tips and tricks in this guide.
Finding a Woman on WhatsApp
Finding a woman on WhatsApp comes down to acquiring her number, contacting her, impressing her, and keeping the conversation alive.
Below are tips and tricks to help you find the woman of your dreams on WhatsApp.
Get Her Number
To get it right with a woman, you need to get her number in a way that shows confidence.
No woman wants to hear, “I got your number from a mutual friend” or “I got your number from a mutual group.” If you want to appear assertive and impressive, get a woman’s number from her.
If it’s someone you’ve already met in person, approach her and ask her to give you her number. You could give her your number instead so that texting you will be her decision.
For a woman you’ve only interacted with on social media, politely ask her if you could take the conversation to WhatsApp.
First Impression Matters
When you text a woman on WhatsApp, the first thing they do after opening the message is check out your profile.
Many people make the mistake of having their dog, car, or favorite celebrity as their profile picture. Women don’t trust someone who can’t upload their real image because they appear mysterious, pretentious, or fishy.
Use a well-groomed image as your profile picture. You could be smiling, holding your pet, participating in your favorite sport, or any image that shows your authentic self.
Break the Ice
Breaking the ice with a woman you like can be challenging. Some pointers to help you include finding her interests and likes from her social media or something she mentioned, as you casually spoke earlier.
You could also comment on her WhatsApp status or profile picture to start the conversation.
For instance, if she shares a short movie scene from an animated movie, reply to the status with something like “Is that from Shrek? You might enjoy Puss in Boots too.” That comment will break the ice and give you something to talk about.
Keep Your Talk Clean
Women dislike guys who come off as too flirty and desperate.
If you want to impress a girl, the least you can do is keep the conversation clean, sweet, and amusing. Make her laugh, let the conversation ignite some giggles, and add some emojis to spice up your messages.
At the same time, keep the discourse short and sweet. If you note the conversation is running out of talking points, cut it short to avoid boring her.
Ending the chat on time also leaves her wanting more, and they can’t wait to get a text from you.
Be Mysterious
If you appear too desperate, the woman will lose interest fast.
Refrain from bombarding her with chunks of messages or expressing yourself too much within a short time of knowing her. Be mysterious to leave her wondering who you are, what you want, and your intentions.
While replying to messages fast enough is a green flag, don’t appear too available. She will understand you have other places to be and have something else going on in your life.
Compliment Her Regularly
A woman gets hooked on someone who showers her with compliments.
Compliment her occasionally to keep her smiling and giggling. You can compliment her job, artistry, style, dedication, and anything else that makes her appear sophisticated and thoughtful.
You could also compliment her looks, but this should be reserved for after creating a rapport and getting to the flirty stage. If you are not sure, keep off physical compliments.
Make Your Move
Continuous back-and-forth texting can get boring. Timing is everything when it comes to winning over a girl.
You may enjoy the playful chatting and flirting, but the girl may wonder about your intentions. If she has shown interest and you are ready, ask her on a date.
Communication may be smooth on WhatsApp, but you need to meet in person to cement the relationship. If the date goes well, you have successfully found your woman on WhatsApp.
Wrapping Up
To find a woman on WhatsApp, you need to get her number, impress her and start a conversation with her.
You must also carry on the conversation until it develops into a deeper connection.
Have you mastered the art of finding a woman on WhatsApp?
We hope these tips will help you nail it.