Do you want to grow your Instagram following or need more engagement on your posts? Well, Instagram groups may just be the solution you need. Members of these groups like, comment, and engage with each other’s content to give it more exposure, and you can join the fun too.
Instagram groups can be private or public, so depending upon the visibility, you can find these on Instagram, Reddit forums, Google searches, Facebook groups, or through private invitations.
The Instagram algorithm favors high interaction, and we’ve seen how big influencing accounts gain traction on the slightest of activity while small businesses, artists, content creators, and other regular folks can’t get their content in front of anyone, despite the effort. So Instagrammers have found the solution to this in Instagram groups or pods.
We will be discussing what Instagram groups are, how to find and join them, and how to use them to your advantage.
What are Instagram Groups?
Instagram groups are communities where users band together to help each other with their activities on Instagram. Everyone in the group interacts with each other’s content, likes it, leaves comments, and shares it. This way, when you post something on Instagram, you get a bunch of activity on your post, which tells the algorithm that your content is good and should be shown to more people.
But these groups aren’t like Facebook groups, where members share content in a common feed that everyone can see. Instead, Instagram groups are moderated from other social media platforms like Facebook and Telegram or even through a single user’s DMs called pods.
These groups can be private or public and often have certain guidelines. Some groups are only for certain niches, while others are for general engagement. Many of these groups work on specific posting times. There are also paid groups with strict moderators who make sure everyone follows the rules.
How to Join Instagram Groups?
The most important part is finding and joining the right group for you. While some of these groups are exclusive, and you need an invitation to join, others may be more open.
A simple Google search of “Instagram Engagement Groups” should give you a decent list to start with. But here, we have four more methods to help you find Instagram groups.
Method #1: Use Hashtags
This is the most basic method, just go to the search bar on Instagram and look for relevant hashtags like:
- #engagementgroup
- #like4like
- #follow4follow
- #InstaPods
Or any other hashtag relevant to the kind of group you’re looking for. You can further filter these results by using niche-specific hashtags like:
- #MompreneurPod
- #TravelCommunityPods etc.

Method #2: Check Facebook Groups
Facebook is a powerful social media platform and is home to many communities of Instagram users. Do a quick search on Facebook for Instagram engagement or marketing groups, and you’ll find tons of results.

These communities are usually organized through Telegram or Whatsapp, so you can find invitation links for those groups as well.
There are many big marketing groups on FB, but if you want some real action, look for smaller and more niche-specific groups. They vet their members more carefully and ensure everyone is active, so you’re likely to get more out of these groups.
Method #3: Look on Reddit
Reddit is another great platform for finding groups, especially if you’re looking for something more specific. There are dedicated “subreddits” for just about everything these days, so you’re sure to find one relevant to your interests.

A popular one is IGPods, a subreddit for people looking for members to join their Instagram pods. So you can join their pod or post about starting your own.
Method #4: Ask around
Once you’ve built up a good relationship with some like-minded Instagrammers in your niche, you can ask them if they know of any groups you can join. These recommendations usually come with a personal touch, so you know the group will be a good fit for you.
Stay away from spammy groups that use bots to inflate engagement. These groups will get you banned from Instagram; not worth it. Stick to quality groups with active members, follow all guidelines, and you’ll be on your way to building a successful organic presence on Instagram.
Joining the right Instagram group can do wonders for your engagement and jumpstart your growth. But you need to be active and follow the rules, or you’ll be kicked out and banned from the group. So take your time, look for the right group for you using the methods we listed, and start reaping the benefits.
Remember that just joining a group won’t do anything; you need to be an active and contributing member if you want to get anything out of it.