Twitter has earned its reputation as the go-to platform for broadcasting short text-based messages. Despite being a mainstay among social media networks, Twitter doesn’t have a straightforward way not to include your name.
Be it for privacy reasons or to avoid stalkers, knowing how to leave your name blank on your profile can be helpful. To do this, you must use a unique character in your name field that Twitter doesn’t recognize. This will allow you to leave your name blank without returning an error.
If you’ve always wondered how you can avoid displaying your name on Twitter, you’ve come to the right place. Just read on to find out how!
Having No Name on Twitter
Sometimes, we may want to avoid displaying anything under our profile name. This may be for privacy reasons. Alternatively, it may also be necessary for institutional or organizational profiles. Perhaps your advertising campaign calls for the name to be left blank. Whatever your reasons, getting this done on Twitter is not hard.
The method we will present is not official and is really just a workaround. As a result, there’s a slight chance that Twitter might recognize this loophole and fix it later.
Why Do I Need To Leave My Name Blank on Twitter?
You may want to leave your name blank for a variety of reasons. The most natural of which might be for the added privacy. Some people might have had a negative experience on the platform, perhaps coming under the predatory activities of stalkers, bullies, etc.
Consequently, they may want to opt out of showing their names together to protect their real identity. There also might be some creative reasons why you may not want to show a name. This could include creative marketing messages that you want to get across.
Does Twitter Allow a Blank Name?
No, Twitter has no provision for you to leave your name blank. Thankfully, other people on the internet who are facing the same problem have figured out a workaround.
This involves copying and pasting a unique character from the internet. Upon saving your changes, Twitter will automatically remove the unique character and simply show a blank space in its place.
How Exactly Do I Leave My Name Blank?
Leaving your name blank on Twitter isn’t too hard. While the workaround method might appear tricky, it’s easy. We are making it easier by giving you the unique character you need to copy-paste into Twitter.
To have no name on Twitter, just follow these easy steps.
- Open Twitter on your phone.
- Click on your profile picture at the top-left corner of the screen.
- This will open a sidebar with profile options.
- Click on “Profile”.
- You will see an option to “Edit profile” below the cover photo. Click on it.
- Now copy and paste the following (without the quotation marks) into the name field: ” ًًً “
- Click “Save” to finalize these changes.
That’s all you will have to do. Refresh your profile, and your name will no longer show!

The unique character ” ًًً “ is called a Fathatan. It comes from the Arabic language. Twitter automatically deletes it when it is not accompanied by a letter, as it’s supposed to, leaving the field empty.
Final Words
Getting rid of your name on Twitter is a relatively easy process. While there is no official method for leaving your name blank, there is a neat workaround. This involves copying and pasting a special character while editing your profile. This will effectively leave the name on your Twitter profile blank.
When you sign up for Twitter, you are asked to choose a username. This name will be shown on your profile and next to your tweets. You can also enter your real name in your profile, which is optional. If you enter your real name, it will be shown next to your username. For example, if your username is @janesmith and you include your real name as Jane Smith, your profile would show up as Jane Smith (@janesmith).
There are a few reasons why you might want to include your real name on Twitter. First, it can help people who already know you find and follow you more easily. Second, it can make it easier for people who don’t know you to find and connect with you.
Including your real name can also make your tweets seem more personal and friendly. Ultimately, the final decision of whether or not to include your real name on Twitter is up to you. If you’re not sure, you can always change it later.