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How To Invite People To Like a Facebook Page?

How To Invite People To Like A Facebook Page

If you’re looking to jumpstart the promotions of your business/event/cause/talent, you need to be able to push your social media page to as many people as possible.

However, many of us get tempted on the bandwagon and create our own brands on social media. Still, since we are not all Kylie Jenners of the world born famous, finding followers for your social media page becomes very difficult.

So, it is essential to know how to invite people to like your Facebook page. But how to go about it?

Quick Answer

To invite your friends to like your Facebook page, navigate to the page in question and click the three dots below the cover photo. Next, select the “Invite Friends” option and select all the friends you wish to invite. Finally, hit the “Send Invites” button.

In this article, we explore how you can invite people to like a Facebook page as you start your journey to self-employment. We also touch on the subject of increasing your page’s reach.

Importance of Social Media for Businesses

The importance of social media can be judged by how pertinent it has become in this day and age to establish your online presence to promote your business, cause, or event. People worldwide spend most of their time scrolling through Facebook, looking through videos and pictures posted from anywhere in the world.

Businesses creating their social media profiles and conducting business online have encouraged online shopping to the point that most of us now prefer to shop online. In most cases, people have now started to window-shop online too.

The advertisements created on Facebook have compelled many of us to purchase products we may not ever really need. Sometimes, it seems like Facebook advertisements are designed to target you specifically to promote a product you did not even realize you needed in your life.

As such, creating awareness has become synonymous with creating a social media profile and promoting it to reach people worldwide. For these advertisements to get the maximum traffic from social media users, it’s very important to have as many people following your posts as possible.

You can establish your business by getting these followers to like and share your posts so it reaches as many people as possible.

Promoting Your Facebook Page

Even when establishing yourself as an influencer in the gig economy, promoting your social media profile is the first and most important step. Creating a dynamic, vibrant social media profile has become a legitimate form of self-employment worldwide.

The best thing about starting your business on Facebook is the fact that it is connected to Instagram and WhatsApp. This is because it allows you to reach as many people as possible.

How To Get People to Like Your Facebook Page?

You can get people to like or follow your Facebook page in several ways.

Facebook Friends

You should always aim to begin your social media journey by reaching out to everyone in your personal profile to like and follow your Facebook page. You should do this by writing a personalized, witty message to entice the interest of your followers in your initiative.

As you build your followers by reaching out to your contacts, it becomes very important to start creating witty, attention-grabbing posts to elicit the interest of people who follow you already.

This gets the followers to like your post on Facebook and then ends up on their Facebook activity page for their subsequent followers to see too.

When you have enough material on your Facebook page that a new follower can scroll through your posts and understand your initiative without a personalized explanation, you can begin to encourage your current followers to share your Facebook posts on their respective pages.


It is understandable that getting organic followers through creating attention-grabbing, interesting posts may be difficult, along with encouraging people to share your pages.

Hence, there is a wonderful opportunity to promote your Facebook page by getting endorsements from already-established Facebook influencers.

To get these influencers to endorse or promote your page on their profile, you may need to provide monetary compensation to these influencers.

In many cases, people also send a sample of the product they are selling to the influencer to unbox and try it on Facebook and then review it for their followers.


It is also possible to promote your Facebook page by purchasing the right to create sponsored advertisements that reach people who may not even be directly connected to your Facebook page.

Inviting Friends to Like Your Facebook Page

Follow the steps below to invite your Facebook friends to like your Facebook page.

On a PC

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Facebook on your favorite browser.
  2. Click the “See more” button in the left navigation.
  3. Select “Pages.”
  4. Select your page under the “Your Pages” header.
  5. Click the three dots under the page’s cover photo.
  6. Select “Invite Friends.”
  7. Check the friends you wish to invite.
  8. Click the “Send Invites Button.”

On the Mobile App

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to the menu tab.
  3. Select “Pages.”
  4. Select your page in the “Pages you manage” section.
  5. Tap the three dots under the page’s cover photo.
  6. Select the “Invite friends” option.
  7. Select all the friends you wish to invite.
  8. Tap the “Send Invites” button.

In Conclusion

The Facebook page is a starting point for many businesses in today’s world. It enables businesses to reach a wide audience and market their products efficiently.

This article explained how you could invite people to like your Facebook page. It also touched on the subject of organic growth.


How to share a Facebook page on your personal account?

Create a post on your Facebook page you want to share and just share it. You can also use stories for this purpose.

How to create a post that people will be sure to share?

Create a post by including search engine-optimized words your target audience may be searching for. Add as many of those words in your post as possible while setting an interesting tone so they may be encouraged to share.

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