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How To Make Font Bigger on Messenger?

How To Make Font Bigger On Messenger

Sometimes you would find font size on Messenger or other messaging apps irritably smaller, making it difficult to read them despite you wearing your specs.

Instead of harming your eyes in trying to read the small texts, it is better to make the font big enough to read easily than squinching your eyes.

Don’t mess up your eyesight; instead, use our guide to make the font bigger of all the messages on Messenger. Let us walk you through how it is all done.

Quick Answer

To adjust the font size, follow these steps for each device:

– For iOS, add the “Text size” option in your Control Centre and adjust the font size of your Messenger app by using it.

– On Android phones or Windows computers, adjust the font sizes in your device settings, which will change the font size of all apps on your device. Additionally, you can use the “Magnification shortcut” to Zoom the Messenger app on Android whenever you want.

Let’s dive in and learn everything there is to know about how to adjust the font size on the Messenger app.

Complete Breakdown of the Methods To Make Font Bigger on Messenger

Agree or not, nothing can beat text messages, whether SMS or on messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, or Discord. Calls are always irritating, and voice messages are not as fun as texts.

If messaging is your primary source of communication with your friends, you may find yourself hooked to your mobile screens.

You do not need to strain your eyes by trying to read the small text font when you can enlarge the font. Here is the guide to help you adjust the font on Messenger on iOS, Android, and Windows.

On iOS

With the launch of iOS15 in 2021, Apple introduced a feature missing from Apple or almost all devices.

Previously, when you had to make the font bigger for any one app on iPhone, you could not do it alone on that app. Any font changes were done under device settings and were applicable to every app.

In iOS 15 update, Apple enabled users to adjust the text size of any app without affecting the font sizes of the other apps.


You must have iOS 15 or above to use this method, meaning it will work on iPhone devices later than iPhone X.

So, you can adjust the font size of each app individually.

Step #1: Add the Option to the Control Centre

Your first step would be to bring the “Text Size” option to your Control Centre.

Control Centre gives easy access to useful or most used controls on your iPhone. You can access Control Centre by swiping down the upper right corner of your screen.

To make the “Text Size” option appear in Control Centre, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iOS device.Open The Settings App
  2. Select the “Control Centre” option.Select The Control Centre Option
  3. Find “Text Size” option.Find Text Size Option
  4. Tap the plus sign beside it to add it to the Control Centre.Tap The Plus Sign

Step #2: Tweak the Text Size on Messenger

Now, you can easily tweak the text size of any app (Messenger here):

  1. Launch the Messenger app on your iOS device.Long-Press The App Icon
  2. Open the Control Centre.Open The Control Centre
  3. Tap on the “aA” option.Tap On The Aa Option
  4. Select “Messenger Only” from the bottom.Select Messenger Only From The Bottom
  5. Adjust the text size as high as you want.Adjust The Text Size

Now, go back to Messenger, and you will see the big font.


This method will only increase the text size of the Messenger app and not of others.

If this does not work, you can change the font size in the device settings:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iOS device.Open The Settings App
  2. Select “Accessibility.”Select Accessibility
  3. Tap on “Display & Text Size.”Tap On Display &Amp; Text Size
  4. Tap on “Larger Text.”Tap On Larger Text.
  5. Move the slider at the bottom to the right to enlarge the font.Move The Slider At The Bottom

On Android

You can adjust the font size of your device on your device settings, which will also change the font size of every app on your device, including Messenger.


There is no feature or setting on Messenger that can help you adjust font sizes in the app.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device. Settings App
  2. Select the “Display & brightness” option.Display Settings Android
  3. Select the “Text size” or “Font size” option. Select Font Size Option.
  4. Drag the “Text Size” slider to the right under to make the font bigger. Drag The Text Size Slider

Alternatively, you can also Zoom the Messenger app using the “Magnification gestures” feature and turn on the “Magnification shortcut.”

On a PC

If you are accessing the web version of Messenger, you can use the Zoom in or out settings of your browser to adjust the font size on Messenger.

Alternatively, you can change the device settings to adjust the font size in Windows like this:

  1. Click on the Start icon. Click On The Start Icon
  2. Click on the settings icon at the bottom. Tap The Settings Icon
  3. Select “Accessibility” from the left navigation. Select Accessibility From The Left Navigation.
  4. Click on the “Text size” option. Click On The Text Size Option.
  5. Drag the “Text size” slider to the right to increase the size. Drag The Text Size Slider To The Right To Increase The Size.


Do not strain your eyes by trying to read the smaller text; instead, use our guide to make the font bigger on Messenger.

It is important to note that the Messenger app does not explicitly give you any settings to adjust the font size, so you must tweak your device settings to do all the work.

So, use our guide and follow the instructions as per your device to make it happen for you.


How do I decrease the font size in Messenger Android?

Go to Settings > “Display & Brightness” > “Text size and weight” > drag the “Text size” slider to the left.

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