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How To Put the Temperature on Instagram Story?

How To Put The Temperature On Instagram Story

The Instagram story section is a great platform to experiment with different types of content you desire to share with other users. You have many stickers and filters at your disposal to create engaging content.

For instance, you can tell others how cold or hot your current location is. You can share this information through a temperature sticker. So, how do you add the temperature to your Instagram stories?

Quick Answer

Showing your current temperature on your Instagram stories is quite a straightforward process. You can access the temperature sticker using the stickers icon while creating a new story. When you tap the icon, you’ll see lots of stickers, including a temperature showing the temperature in C or F. If you don’t have the sticker, you’ll have to add it to your sticker tray before using it. 

People use Instagram stories to share moments about their lives. Unlike your curated posts published on your news feed, content posted on Instagram stories disappears after 24 hours. Hence, giving you the freedom to add any filters or stickers you wish to use.

I will detail the steps you can use to show the temperature on your Instagram story. I will also show you how to add the temperature to your stickers collection.

Do You Have the Temperature Sticker?

The first prerequisite to showing temperature on your Instagram story is ensuring there is a temperature sticker.  

Here is how to check whether you have the sticker. 

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your mobile device.Open Instagram App
  2. Tap the plus button at the bottom.Tap The Plus Icon
  3. Select the “Story” option at the bottom.Select Story At The Bottom
  4. Upload a random video or photo from your gallery, or take it using Instagram’s camera.Upload A Random Video Or Photo From Your Gallery, Or Take It Using Instagram's Camera
  5. Tap the squared box with a smiley face. That’s the stickers icon.Tap The Squared Box With A Smiley Face
  6. Look for the temperature sticker by scrolling down the list. Scroll it until you see the temperature sticker. It might be in Celcius or Fahrenheit.Look For The Temperature Sticker

You’ll need to add it to your stickers collection If it’s missing. To use the temperature sticker, you’ll need to enable GPS  by tapping the location button on your phone’s settings. 


You can also search for the “Temperature” sticker on your Android device.

How To Enable GPS on My Mobile Device?

Here is how you can enable GPS on your phone.

On an Android Phone  

Android phones often have a quick settings option. Pull the screen downwards from the top to access the quick settings. Tap on the location icon if it’s turned off.  

If you cannot locate the location icon on your phone’s quick settings, go to the main settings app by tapping the gear icon. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the phone’s Settings app.Locate Your Mobile Settings
  2. Navigate to “Location.” The click will direct you to the location access page.Navigate To Location
  3. You’ll see a “Location access” button on the page. Turn it on if it’s switched off. Location Access

The steps may be slightly different between Android devices.

On an iOS Device  

Follow these steps to enable GPS on an iOS device:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iOS device.
  2. Scroll down and select “Privacy & Security.”Privacy &Amp; Safety In Iphone Settings
  3. Select “Location Services.”Location Services In Iphone Settings
  4. Turn on the toggle next to “Location Services.”Location Services Toggle In Iphone Settings

Once you’ve turned on your phone’s GPS, you’ll have to grant Instagram access to your current location. You can do it directly from the settings, both on an Android or an iOS device.

How To Allow Instagram Access My Location?

Allow the app to access your current location through these steps. 

On an Android Device

  1. Go to your Settings app.Locate Your Mobile Settings
  2. Tap on “Apps.”Scroll Down And Click On Apps Option
  3. Select “Manage apps.”Tap On Manage Apps
  4. Scroll down and select “Instagram.” Click On Instagram
  5. Tap on App permissions.”Tap On App Permissions
  6. Tap on “Location.”Tap On Location
  7. Select “Allow only while using the app.”Select Allow Only While Using The App

The steps may vary between different Android versions and devices.

On an iPhone

Follow these steps to allow Instagram access your location on your iPhone:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Select “Privacy & Security.”Privacy &Amp; Safety In Iphone Settings
  3. Tap “Location Services.”Location Services In Iphone Settings
  4. Look for and tap the Instagram app. Instagram On Iphone Location Services
  5. On the app page, you’ll see three options. Select the “While Using the App” option. The options will give Instagram permission to see your location. While Using The App Option In Iphone Settings

Once the Instagram app can access your location, go back to your story and check whether you can see the temperature sticker. 

If you can’t see the sticker, try updating your Instagram app. You can do it from the App or Google Play store. Also, try clearing your Cache

Adding Temperature to Instagram Story

Once you’ve added the temperature sticker to Instagram, you can freely show it on your Instagram Story. Add the temperature through these steps. 

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.Open Instagram App
  2. Tap the plus symbol to add a new story. Tap The Plus Icon
  3. Tap on “Story.”Select Story At The Bottom
  4. Add a picture or video from the gallery or through the camera button. Upload A Random Video Or Photo From Your Gallery, Or Take It Using Instagram's Camera
  5. Click the stickers iconTap The Squared Box With A Smiley Face
  6. Scroll through the list and click the temperature sticker. Look For The Temperature Sticker
  7. You can alter the sticker’s position, resize it, and swap it from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa. Change F to C by tapping the temperature sticker once or twice. You Can Alter The Sticker's Position, Resize It, And Swap It From Fahrenheit To Celsius
  8. Finally, tap on “Your Story” to post.Tap On Your Story To Post

Final Thoughts 

Anyone, including you, can show the temperature reading to their Instagram story. You have to make sure you have the sticker on your sticker tray. If you lack the sticker, try the solutions mentioned above.

Once you’ve added it to your sticker collection, you can use the sticker as you please. However, always ensure your location is on and Instagram has access to your phone’s location.

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