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How To See NSFW Posts on Reddit

How To See Nsfw On Reddit

Reddit has various features that ensure people can use the platform freely, even at workplaces, without fear.

One such feature on Reddit is NSFW, which prevents users from engaging with inappropriate content in the workplace.

But if you are old enough and free to view the content, you only need to know how to enable the feature and start seeing NSFW content.

Quick Answer

You can see NSFW content on Reddit from the Reddit mobile app or a browser. If accessing Reddit via an Android phone, go to the “Settings” section and tap the “View Options” tab. You will see the “NSFW” button disabled. Turn it on, and Reddit will save the changes automatically. Reddit will update the settings, and you can freely see NSFW content.

The NSFW feature is excellent when you don’t want to see inappropriate content in public places or at work. But if you want to see NSFW content, this guide has explained the various ways of achieving that. Moreover, it has explained what NSFW means and its importance and addressed a few questions most users ask.

What is “NSFW” on Reddit?

If you use Reddit regularly, you must have seen the term NSFW when viewing content.

When some content is indicated with the term NSFW, it may contain inappropriate images, videos, or text that is embarrassing to see in public places and at work.

Reddit offers NSFW features to people creating content on Reddit to keep underage children safe who may be using the app and avoid embarrassment in the workplace.

Mostly violent and sexually suggestive content is marked as NSFW.

How To See NSFW on Reddit in 3 Ways

Reddit users that wish to view adult content can do so by turning the NSFW button on.

You can see NSFW content using three ways, as explained here.

Method #1: See NSFW Content on

If you are accessing Reddit through the browser on, you can see NSFW content by turning on the feature as explained below:

  1. Access Reddit on Reddit On Browser
  2. Once on the home page, click the drop-down menu icon beside your Reddit username.Click On The Drop Down Icon
  3. Choose the “User Settings” option.Select User Settings
  4. Once the new window opens, click the “Feed Settings” tab.Click On Feed Settings Tab
  5. Under the “Feed Settings” tab, the “Adult content” option will be the first listed option. Click on it to turn on NSFW content.Turn On Nsfw Content Option

Reddit will save the changes, and if you navigate back to your feed and search results, you will notice NSFW content can be viewed.

The NSFW content will be blurred if you enable “Safe browsing” mode. Disable the “Safe browsing” button to see the content without the blurred feature.

Method #2: See NSFW Content on Old

If you are accessing Reddit on the old, proceed as shown below:

  1. Go to “Preferences” after logging in.Go To Preferences
  2. Go to “content options” and turn on the option that indicates NSFW and adult content.Go To Content Options

Method #3: See NSFW Content on Android

For Android users, you can see NSFW content as explained below:

  1. Open Reddit on your Android device.Launch The Reddit App
  2. Tap on your avatar in the top right corner.Click On Profile Icon In The Top Right Corner
  3. Go to the “Settings” section.Select Settings
  4. Scroll down to the “View Options” section.Scroll Down Till View Options Section
  5. Turn on the “Show NSFW content (I’m over 18)” toggle.Turn On Show Nsfw Content

Reddit will save the changes, and NSFW content will start showing on the feeds you get and be displayed in the way you selected. Disable the option if you don’t want the NSFW content blurred.

If you are an iOS user, you must use the browser to access Reddit, as explained here, and enable you to see NSFW content and then open the Reddit app on your iOS device after changes have been saved.


Reddit has implemented measures to ensure you don’t feel embarrassed when using the app in the workplace by disabling inappropriate content that may be sexually suggestive or violent.

If you want to see NSFW content on Reddit, this guide has explained the three methods you can use to achieve that!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I see NSFW content on iOS?

You must first enable the option through the website to see NSFW on Reddit using your iOS mobile device. Open Reddit on, click “User Settings,” choose the “Feed Settings” section and turn on the “NSFW” button. Once the changes are saved, access Reddit from the iOS device and see NSFW content.

Why is NSFW content blurred on my mobile phone?

When you enable the NSFW content to be shown on your feed, the “safe browsing” mode is also enabled automatically. This means the NSFW content will be blurred unless you disable the “safe browsing” mode.

What is NSFW content on Reddit?

Reddit shows the NSFW label on content that may be sexually suggestive or violent. Such content is inappropriate to view in workplaces or public places and is disabled by default on Reddit.

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