Are you tired of people tagging you on Facebook? Do you want to control who can tag you on Facebook?
Some people enjoy tagging others in every post, and when you are the victim, it can get annoying, and unless restricted, everyone can see that you are tagged in a given post.
The good news is that you can fight and control what happens when someone tags you.
So, how to stop people from tagging you on Facebook?
Tagging people on a Facebook post is a feature added by Facebook, and if you think there is a way of blocking people from tagging you, you are wrong.
The only option is controlling how Facebook shows posts you are tagged in, reviewing posts that tag you, and changing who should see posts that tag you. That way, even if someone keeps tagging you, you can ensure no one notices it.
This guide covers the steps of tagging someone. Moreover, we will see how you can manage your privacy settings to manage who can see Facebook posts where you are tagged using your Facebook mobile app and the desktop version.
How To Tag Someone on Facebook
Tagging is a feature offered by Facebook where someone can mention you when sharing a post or in the comments section. When tagged, the post you are tagged in can appear on your timeline for people to see.
Besides, once someone tags you, they create a link to your Facebook profile such that someone can click on your username where you are tagged and get redirected to your Facebook profile.
To tag someone in a comment or post, you only need to capitalize their Facebook name when mentioning them. Once their name appears, click on it, and they will immediately get tagged and receive a notification that you tagged them.
How To Stop People from Tagging You on Facebook
There are many reasons you may want to stop someone from tagging you.
Some people tag you to annoy you, while others tag you, yet you are not friends with them. If you are experiencing similar cases, you can manage how people tag you on Facebook.
Even though you can’t stop someone from tagging you on Facebook, you can review posts that tag you and decide who can view the posts. That way, you can adjust the settings to favor you, and it is a way of blocking someone from tagging you.
Here’s how to manage how people tag you on Facebook.
On Facebook Desktop
Follow these steps:
- Access your Facebook account on your computer.
- Tap on your profile picture at the top right.
- Click the “Settings & privacy” option.
- Click on “Settings.”
- Click “Profile and tagging” on the left.
- Under the “Tagging” section, click on the option next to “Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your profile.”
- If you don’t want anyone to see the posts, choose the “Only Me” option and click “Save.”
- Under the “Reviewing” section, enable the option for “Review posts that you’re tagged in before the post appears on your profile.”
With the two measures in place, you can decide whether a post you are tagged in should appear on your timeline or not.
That way, you’ve indirectly blocked someone from tagging you whenever they feel like it and prevented others from seeing which posts tagged you.
On Facebook App
Follow these steps:
- Open the Facebook app and access your account.
- Tap the menu tab on the right.
- Scroll down and tap the “Settings & privacy” option.
- Tap on “Settings.”
- Tap the “Profile settings” option.
- Tap on “Profile and tagging.”
- Under the “Tagging” option, select “Who can see posts that you’re tagged in on your profile.”
- Choose a suitable option.
- Under “Reviewing,” tap on “Review posts that you’re tagged in before the post appears on your profile.”
- Enable the “Review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on your profile” toggle by tapping on it.
That’s all you need to stop someone from tagging you by reducing what they can do after tagging you.
There is no direct way of preventing someone from tagging you on Facebook.
However, you can choose who should see posts that tag you and always review any posts you are tagged in before it gets posted.
This guide has presented the steps for achieving that using your Facebook mobile app and the desktop version.
Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately, there is no way of preventing people from mentioning you in posts or comments. However, you can control what happens when someone tags you on Facebook by choosing to review posts you are tagged in and who should see posts that tag you.
Facebook will immediately notify you when you are mentioned in a post or comment section. Moreover, a link to your Facebook profile will be created, and the post you are tagged in will likely appear in your timeline for others to view.