If you use the Facebook Messenger app, you may have noticed that some of your friends’ activity status is not shown.
This can be confusing and frustrating, especially if you are trying to communicate with someone with this status hidden.
So, what does it mean when Messenger doesn’t show the “Last Active” status?
Put simply; it means the person has turned off the “Last Active” feature in their settings. This setting allows users to hide their “Last Active” status from other users.
There might also be other reasons – perhaps, the person could have blocked you on Messenger, or your internet isn’t working correctly.
There are a few reasons someone might want to turn off this feature. They may not want other people to know when they are online or may not want to be bothered with messages from people they don’t want to talk to.
Whatever the reason, it is important to respect the privacy of those who have chosen to hide their “Last Active” status. If you are trying to communicate with someone with this setting turned off, the best thing to do is send them a message and wait for a response. Meanwhile, this blog aims to shed more light on that. So, keep reading to learn more!
What Is the Last Active Feature on Facebook Messenger All About?
The Last Active feature on Facebook Messenger lets you see when your contacts were last active on the app.
This can be useful for keeping track of when your friends are online or seeing if someone has been inactive for a while.
However, some people may not want others to know when they were last active, so Facebook offers the option to turn this feature off.
If someone has turned off their Last Active status, they do not want anyone to see when they were last active on the app.
Reasons for the Last Active Status Disappearing
If one of your friends’ Last Active status has disappeared from Messenger, there could be plenty of reasons behind it. The first reason is that the person turned off the Last Active option on Facebook Messenger for privacy reasons.
Another notable reason could be that your internet isn’t working correctly. In that case, check your Internet connection and see if it’s working correctly.
If that’s not the case, another reason could be that the person may have blocked you. In that case, you could contact the person directly to know why they must have taken such drastic actions.
Reasons Someone Might Turn Off Last Active on Messenger
If someone has turned off their “Last Active” status on Facebook Messenger, they don’t want to share their online activity with their friends. There are a few reasons why someone might want to do this.
First, they may not want their friends to know when they’re online. Likewise, they may not want their friends to see when they’re active in case they’re busy and don’t have time to talk.
Lastly, they may not want their friends to know when they’re inactive if they appear offline.
Whatever the reason, if someone has turned off their Last Active status on Facebook Messenger, it’s likely because they value their privacy and don’t want to share their online activity with everyone.
How To Tell if Someone Has Turned Off Their Status on Messenger?
If you’re wondering whether or not someone has turned off their status on Messenger, there are a few things you can look for.
First, if their profile picture no longer appears next to their name in your chat list, that’s a good indicator that they’ve turned off their status.
Additionally, if you try to send them a message and it never shows as being delivered, that’s another sign that their status is turned off.
Of course, there’s no surefire way to know whether someone has turned off their status on Messenger.
If you’re trying to reach someone and they’re not responding, the best thing to do is send them a message and see if they get back to you.
Many people use Messenger to keep in touch with friends and family. When you log into Messenger, and it doesn’t show the Last Active from a friend’s chat, it implies that the person might have turned off the Last Active option.
If Messenger doesn’t show Last Active, the main reason is that the person must have turned off the Last Active option on Messenger.
Generally, if someone has turned their “Last Active” status off on a social media site, they don’t want others to see when they were last online.
This could be for privacy reasons or because the person is trying to avoid being contactable.
However, if Messenger doesn’t show Last Active, it could also imply that your internet connection is bad or the person has blocked you on Messenger.
Unfortunately, you can’t check the activity status of persons who don’t appear on your friend list on Facebook. However, there is one exception. If you’ve previously exchanged messages with someone, you may see if they’re still active on Facebook even if they’re not a friend. The green indicator indicates that they are active.
You will never know if someone is chatting on Facebook Messenger by just checking up on them with your Facebook account. You can only view what they want you to see at best – status, online presence, or friends list.
The green dot will remain as long as you are active on Messenger and using the app. The green dot will turn grey once you sign out of Messenger, and ensure that the device is not functioning in the background.
Yes, unless you disable chats in both the Facebook and Messenger apps.
There is no way to know for sure if someone has turned Last Active off for you. However, if you think this may be the case, you can try messaging the person to see if they respond.