You can enjoy and offer numerous Discord features for your server members. When you have a Discord server, you can add reaction roles that members can enjoy by simply clicking on a reaction emoji.
When you are new to Discord, it becomes challenging to understand some of Discord’s features. Luckily, we will discuss what reaction roles are in Discord.
A reaction role is a tool that allows server members to self-assign or relinquish different roles by tapping on a specific reaction. When you create reaction roles in a server, the server members only need to tap on the emoji, which will act as their way of reacting. When creating reaction roles, you must add a bot to your server, such as Carl bot, and use its features to create various reaction roles for members to utilize.
We will understand details about Discord reaction roles. Moreover, we will mention how you create a reaction role using a bot like Carl bot on your desktop. That way, you will understand everything about reaction roles.
What Are Reaction Roles in Discord?
With Discord, the server admin or owner has room to create different roles and assign them to people on the server. For instance, when the server owner creates the server, they will create the admin role. When they assign it to someone, they become the server admin and have administrative permissions.
When you don’t want to keep creating these roles, especially minor roles, the best option is to use reaction roles where the members can self-assign themselves the roles. Reaction roles refer to the roles that server members can assign themselves and relinquish at their convenience by tapping on an emoji when reacting to a message. Examples of reaction roles allow members to change their username colors, get specific permissions, and change fonts.
When you want to set up these reaction roles, you must use a Discord bot that allows you to quickly define your reaction roles, and the bots will handle the self-assigning and relinquishing of these roles. You can use bots such as Carl Bot, MEE6, etc.
How To Use Reaction Roles on Discord
As stated earlier, creating reaction roles in a Discord server is quickly done with a Discord bot supporting this feature. We will cover how to use the Carl bot on the Discord desktop for this case. Take a look!
Using Reaction Roles on Discord Desktop
Carl bot allows you to define over 250 roles for the server members to utilize using an emoji you associate the roles with. We will see how to invite the bot to your server and create reaction roles.
- Open a browser and visit the Carl bot website.
- Click the “Invite” button located at the top of the homepage.
- Discord will require you to sign in if you’ve not signed in to your account on the browser.
- Choose your Discord server where you want to create the reaction roles and click “Continue.”
- Carl bot will display the various permissions required for proper functioning.
- Go through the permissions and click the “Authorize” button to grant it the permissions.
- Once you complete the displayed Captcha, the Carl bot will be added to your server.
- Open your Discord application on your desktop.
- Open your server where you added the Carl bot.
- Tap the down arrow at the top and click the option for “Server Settings.”
- Next, open the “Roles” section on the left.
- Click on the “Create Role” button to create new roles.
- Add the name for the particular role and enable the option for it to display separately from the online members.
- On the “Permissions” tab, define the role’s permissions.
- Drag the new role to ensure it appears first on the list.
- Click the “Save Changes” button.
- Navigate to the text channel of the particular server.
- Type “?reactionrole make” and send the message.
- Type the channel name and press the Enter key.
- To add the description, title, and colors for the particular role, type “roles | {roles}” and add the required details.
- Lastly, associate each reaction role with an emoji. For that, choose your emoji, such as “:sweat_smile:” and press the spacebar once, add the name of the particular reaction role, and press the Enter key.
That’s it. You’ve created your reaction role using the Carl bot. When a server member responds to a message using the emoji associated with a given reaction role, they will have self-assigned or relinquished the particular role.
Reaction roles are the Discord roles that users can self-assign themselves. We’ve discussed reaction roles in detail and the steps to follow to create reaction roles on the Discord desktop.