Sometimes, after updating Telegram, you’ll open it, and an alert appears on the screen saying ‘Optimizing Telegram.’ The alert further notifies you that the process may take a while, depending on the size of your database.
For some, this is a non-issue because it resolves in seconds or minutes. Other times, the process may take up to an hour, or the app gets stuck on that alert.
This can be frustrating, especially when you are eager to communicate with friends, family, or clients via the app.
But what does “optimizing” mean on Telegram?
“Optimizing” on Telegram means the app is rebuilding your app database and enhancing the app version to seamlessly work with the device’s operating system. This optimization ensures your data is backed up and the app starts as fast as possible in the future. Failure to allow the optimization process to complete may make your app slow and hinder future updates.
This post explains what “optimizing“ means on Telegram.
Overview of App Optimization
App optimization is not a new term for mobile users, especially those with Android devices.
You might have across alerts on your phone saying, ‘Android is optimizing apps’ or ‘wait as Android optimizes.’ Such notifications are common after an operating system (OS) or app update.
So what does app optimization mean?
App optimization entails retrieving backup data and enhancing an app to function optimally with the device’s OS.
After a successful optimization, the app retrieves all your data, loads, and works faster. On the contrary, failure to allow an app to optimize may lead to data distortion, freezing, hanging, or the app loading slowly.
Let’s get into the meaning of optimizing on Telegram.
The Meaning of “Optimizing“ on Telegram
Sometimes, you’ll see an ‘Optimizing Telegram’ alert when you launch the app after updating it. The alert may further notify you that the process may take a while, depending on the size of your database.
So what is optimizing on Telegram, and what’s the reason for it?
Optimizing on Telegram means the app is rebuilding your app database and enhancing the app version to seamlessly work with the device’s operating system.
For instance, if you have shared texts, images, videos, or links with friends, the new version communicates with your backup system to restore your data.
Other entities that the app needs to restore from the database include contacts, settings, statuses, groups, and channels.
The amount of data in your Telegram database affects how long the optimization takes.
For instance, it will take longer to optimize Telegram for someone with 1000 contacts, 20 groups, and five channels than for someone with only 100 contacts, two groups, and no channel.
This optimization ensures your data is backed up and the app starts as fast as possible in the future.
Failure to allow the optimization process to complete may make your app slow and hinder future updates. For example, you may lose contact names, conversations, or shared media.
Lastly, optimizing Telegram removes accumulated cache, unwanted data, and duplicate and old files. Without unwanted data, the app loads faster and functions seamlessly.
Winding Up
Optimizing on Telegram means rebuilding the local database and improving the app version to work perfectly with the device’s OS.
The process may take some time, depending on the size of your database.
You should wait for the process to complete because it makes your app fast by clearing the cache and unwanted files.
It also backs up your data, restoring your contacts, conversations, files, groups, and channels.
The best thing to do when Telegram is stuck at ‘optimizing Telegram’ is to wait for the process to complete. However, if it takes too long, such as an hour plus, clear your storage space and optimize your device memory. The process takes longer when the database is big and the device space is inadequate.
Updating Telegram allows you to access the newest features and fix bugs in the current version. The app loads faster and has a better user interface. For instance, as of this writing, the latest Telegram app offers a profile picture maker and emoji categories.
If your Telegram is stuck on optimizing Telegram after an update, clear cache and unwanted data to create more storage space. If the issue does not resolve, force stop, uninstall, and reinstall Telegram.
Last seen on Telegram means that the person was active between a few seconds ago and up to 3 days.