Security is crucial for any application or account, and when you’ve enabled two-factor authentication, you must enter a verification code to sign in.
Besides, Google requires verification under different circumstances.
Our focus today is to understand a Messenger verification code and elaborate on why you may sometimes see the verification code being sent to your phone.
When you get a Messenger verification code that starts with a G, it means the code originates from Google. In most cases, the code is sent when you try to reset your Google account password or when you’ve enabled Two-Factor Authentication. Google has to verify your identity by sending the verification code to the number associated with the Google account. Moreover, someone trying to hack into your account can trigger the verification code and then try to social engineer you to send it to them.
We will focus on the Messenger verification code in today’s post. We will understand it in detail, why it occurs, and what to do about it. That way, you will understand what a Messenger verification code means.
What Is a Messenger Verification Code?

When you are using your Android or iOS phone, you can receive a Messenger verification code.
Many users often receive it when Two-Factor Authentication is enabled on their Google account. Different scenarios can trigger this verification code.
The verification code is a verification number you must enter to verify your identity.
A Messenger verification code is an alternative to using a username and password. To understand this more, let’s quickly discuss scenarios that can trigger a Messenger verification code.
A New Sign-in Attempt
When you try to sign in to a different device not recognized by your Google account, as one way of verifying your identity, Google will send a Messenger verification code to the phone number linked to your Google account.
That way, you can type the code sent to your phone to confirm that you are the legitimate account owner.
Once you enter the number, Google will sign you in on the new device.
This feature mainly occurs when you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication for your Google account to keep your account safe from unauthorized access.
A Password Reset
Sometimes, it could happen that you forgot your Google account password.
When that happens, Google can send you a Messenger verification code via email or SMS.
When you get the verification code, you can use it to regain access to your Google account.
A Hacker’s Attempt
When you receive a Messenger verification code, yet you are not trying to sign in to your account or reset the password, it means someone is trying to hack into your account.
Someone maliciously tries to hack your Google account when you notice such a case.
In most cases, the hacker will trick you into sending them the Messenger verification code. Don’t fall for this trick. If you give out your verification code, the hacker will access your account and gain access to it.
Instead, quickly change your password to ensure the hacker doesn’t gain access to your Google account.
What To Do When You Receive an Unauthorized Messenger Verification Code?
When you notice a Messenger verification code has been sent to your phone as an SMS, that raises a red flag.
If you are not trying to reset your Google account password or sign in from another device, then someone is trying to hack into your Google account.
The solution is to change your Google account password quickly. Moreover, please don’t fall for the trick when anyone tries to social engineer you by tricking you into sending them the verification code.
Many attackers use this method to gain access to Google accounts of unknowing users.
Alternatively, you can report the case to Google to help them secure your account from an attack.
A Messenger verification code is an alternative option for using your username and password.
When you receive the Messenger verification code, it signals you are trying to sign in on a new device, reset your password, or someone wants to hack into your account.