Discord has room for users to gift each other with Nitro gift cards. When you want to gift your friend a Discord gift card, you must know where to source these gift cards and how to share them with your friend.
When you buy the Discord gift cards, the lucky person will redeem them on their end and enjoy the Nitro subscription. These Discord promo codes can be purchased from different sources.
There are two options where you can buy Discord gift cards. First, you can buy them from the official Discord platform. Here, you can get the Discord gift cards from the “User Settings” page under the “Nitro” section. Find the subscription you wish to gift, click the “Gift” button, and proceed to purchase. You can share the Discord gift. Alternatively, you can use third-party platforms online to buy Discord gift cards and use promo codes.
We will start by discussing Discord gift cards and how beneficial they are. Still, we will see how and where to buy Discord gift cards. Moreover, we will mention how to redeem the Discord gift card shared with you.
What Is Discord Gift Card?
Discord is a platform that lets people easily communicate via voice and video. You can enjoy most of its basic features on Discord for free. However, some features require a Nitro subscription to enjoy them.
For instance, if you wish to add a profile banner or join more servers, you must have an active Discord Nitro subscription to achieve that. With Discord Nitro, you can subscribe to the offer that best works for you and within your budget.
Alternatively, you can purchase a Discord Nitro gift subscription and gift it to someone. When buying the Discord Nitro, you can gift the gift card subscription to your friend. When you choose this option, you can share the Discord Nitro link, and the person can redeem the gift card on their end to enjoy the Nitro privileges.
Where To Buy Discord Gift Card?
The obvious and official place to buy a Discord gift card is from your Discord account under the “Nitro” section on the “User Settings” page.
Aside from this option, numerous online platforms offer Discord Nitro subscription gift cards. You can purchase any available gift card and follow the instructions to use it or share it with someone.
Using Discord Account
You can buy a Discord gift card using the desktop or the mobile Discord versions. First, let’s see how to do it on a desktop version.
- Open your Discord application and log in to your account.
- Click the cog wheel icon at the bottom.
- On the “User Settings” page, click on “Nitro.”
- On the “Nitro” page, click the “Gift Nitro” button, and select the subscription plan you want to gift.
- Alternatively, scroll down to the “Pricing and Features” table, choose the right plan, and click “Gift Nitro” under it.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to make your payment for the Nitro gift card.
Copy the Discord link and share it with the person you want to gift the Nitro subscription.
On your iOS or Android, you can also buy Discord gift cards by following the steps below.
- Open your Discord application.
- Tap on your profile picture to open settings.
- Tap on the “Nitro Gifting” option.
- Select the Nitro subscription you want to gift.
- Once you make your payment, you will get the Discord gift card link.
Once you share the link, the person can redeem it.
Using Online Platforms
Multiple online platforms offer Discord Nitro gift cards in their marketplaces. When you prefer to use these marketplaces, you can get competitive rates for the gift cards and choose which you want to buy.
Each marketplace has its own instructions on how to buy Discord gift cards. Hence, find their instructions and use them to buy the Discord gift cards favorable for your case.
When you want to buy Discord gift cards, you can search for reliable online marketplaces that offer gift cards. Still, you can buy Discord nitro gift cards from your account and share the gift link with your target friend, and when they receive the link, they can tap on it to redeem the gift card.