Dubai is a recognized region because of its vast development.
But one thing that many people don’t understand is why WhatsApp calls are banned in Dubai.
Besides WhatsApp calls, users cannot utilize VOIP services like Facetime, Skype, and Skype for Business.
The ban has made communications hard, especially since VOIP services are used in most regions worldwide.
But why is WhatsApp banned in Dubai?
WhatsApp is not banned entirely in Dubai. You can send text messages with the app but cannot call via WhatsApp. The main reason behind the ban is to maintain the country’s duopoly. Dubai has two companies offering telecommunication services, and it is against the law for other unregistered companies to provide telecommunication services.
Despite WhatsApp calls being limited in Dubai, the residents have not raised complaints because of the security they enjoy. This guide has explained why Dubai has banned WhatsApp calls and if there is a trick to accessing the suitable service.
Why Is WhatsApp Banned in Dubai?
WhatsApp and other VOIP services like Skype, IMO, and others are banned in Dubai.
Dubai has banned many other services and has its reasons for doing so.
The ban on WhatsApp officially started being enforced in 2016, making it hard to use the valuable service even if you are a visitor.
So why is Dubai against WhatsApp calls?
Reason #1: Maintain a Duopoly
According to Dubai’s communication laws, only two companies are registered to offer communication services.
Besides the two companies, Dubai has banned other unregistered telecommunication companies from providing the service within its boundaries.
Thus, if Dubai allows other companies to offer the services, it would mean revenue loss, affecting Dubai’s economy.
Reason #2: Security Monitoring
Dubai wants to have access to VOIP calls for security purposes.
But, apps like WhatsApp, Skype, and Apple don’t conform to the policy of sharing user privacy, explaining why they may not be accepted to operate in the country.
Reason #3: Signal Interference
According to licensed telecommunication companies in Dubai, WhatsApp uses a heavy bandwidth that blocks their signal from transmitting.
As a result, they had to ban WhatsApp and let the licensed telecommunication companies continue operating.
Reason #4: Encourage Foreign Investors
Some have argued that Dubai enforced the ban on VOIP services to encourage other companies like Microsoft to venture into offering telecommunication services in the country.
By doing so, they would promote the creation of employment opportunities.
Although it seemed the ban was going to be lifted, that is yet to be achieved, and sadly the government has not announced when it may lift the ban.
How Do I Access WhatsApp in Dubai?
Although other sources indicate that one can access WhatsApp calls in Dubai through VPN, that is impossible because VPN is also a banned service in the country.

VPN encrypts traffic, making it impossible to see where traffic is coming from.
Because Dubai knows people can use the banned services through VPN, VPN has also been restricted to avoid such cases.
If found using even personal VPNs, heavy penalties can be indicted or lead to deportation if you are a visitor.
WhatsApp is a popular application, and its convenient voice and text services have increased its popularity.
Unfortunately, despite the app’s benefits, Dubai has banned its residents from making WhatsApp calls.
If you are wondering why WhatsApp is banned in Dubai and if you can bypass it, read the guide.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dubai has banned WhatsApp calls and video calls. But if you want to send text messages, you can use WhatsApp to achieve that. The main reason Dubai has banned WhatsApp calls is to continue enjoying the duopoly of the telecommunication companies and prevent revenue loss. Licensed telecommunication companies can only offer telecommunication services preventing WhatsApp calls from functioning.
Accessing WhatsApp in Dubai is not limited; you can only send text messages. If you want to make voice or video calls, you can only use the telecommunication services offered by the country. Moreover, you cannot use VPN to encrypt your traffic because the service is also banned in Dubai.